Chiro Screening Script & Training
How we get lots of happy patients in our new clinic – and now you can do it too!
We filled our new clinic in a new city, even when we didn't have any patients or a name to rely on. Using this special script and training we got 250 paid patients before our doors opened, reaching a 200 adjustments per week within just 8 weeks!
Now, we want to share our secret with you! It doesn't matter if you're a Chiro, CA, or someone who helps at the clinic – you can use our special script and training to build your practice too. Imagine your clinic full of smiling patients, just like ours!
Get our special script and training now for FREE, and make your practice a happy place with lots of patients and smiles. By using this script, I guarantee you can sign up 15+ new patients at your next event!
Full script and training that's responsible for filling a brand new clinic with 250 patients and which we continue to use in our $1m+ clinics!